Friday 27 March 2009

friday 27th march notes

cut scene - when your playing a game and then it cuts to a video associated with the action in the game.

OLED television wont hit mainstream for several years. its new , thin brighter with sharper images. display red, green and blue pixels. when you move to the side or above it shows the same image unlike the other televisions. organic pixels so there is no light in the back of the screen so the screen is 3mm at the most. costs a lot of money. is already used on Sony MP3 players, very small screens. advantage, for cameras is that they are used ion the screen so the sunlight cant 'wash out' the image. smarter and clearer images. flexible OLED is available to wear round wrists, clothing may be made from this. OLED screens are transparent so may be used for windows around the home. close future, can be used for lights on the ceilings and on the walls.
this relates to video games as the realism of the games is improving , the technologies are progressing and our normal screens will hold the progression back.

Tom Clancy - hawk
metaplace. evolution form second life game, missions can be undertaken in worlds in the game set up by other players
second life - there is current arguments in academic circles as the game they think shouldn't be classed as a game as there are no rules or missions but there is an avatar.

resident evil 5 is 18.
go into goggle and find a story news or web where video games have been blamed for violence, murder, death or robbery
what occur ed, the video game responsible and the action taken

FAYETTE, Ala. - A 20-year-old whose lawyers claimed the video game “Grand Theft Auto” and childhood abuse caused him to kill three small-town police officers was convicted Tuesday of capital murder.

The jury deliberated for just over an hour before convicting Devin Moore.

Jurors were to return Wednesday to begin the sentencing phase. Moore could face the death penalty.

Defense lawyers had partly blamed Moore’s actions on the hours he spent playing video games from the “Grand Theft Auto” series, in which players shoot police officers and steal cars.

defense lawyer Jim Standridge reminded them that Moore, after his arrest, told police, “Life is a video game; everybody has to die sometime.”

he was taken to the police station for booking a stolen auto charge when he took on of the police mans guns and shoot two policemen and a radio operator and then fleed in a police patrol car.

class 18
assult on children,
strong language,
red blood,
dismembered body parts,
animal violence,
illegal drug use,
sexual abuse,
graphic murder

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